3rd WEBINAR – Approaches in Implementing School Safety

September 9, 2019

ASSI Sucessfully Conducted the third webinar about Approaches in Implementing School Safety in collaboration with the APCSS and IFRC on 30 August 2019 in National Office of Wahana Visi Indonesia. With the Presenters came from IFRC Malaysia, Save the Children Australia, Plan International Asia Hub, and Toyo Eiwa University Japan, 32 participants joined this webinar, came from MOE Indonesia, MOE Brunei Darussalam, MOE Malaysia, RDMO Bogor Regency, IFRC, Wahana Visi Indonesia, NGO in Africa, Plan Nepal, Plan Philippines, STC Australia, Local NGO from Indonesia, etc.

The highlight of this webinar are : Ms Miu from International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Asia Pacific Regional Office delivered about “Road Safety Education School Programme” to raise awareness about Road Safety among Myanmar Children, to change the behavior and make good traffic manners , and Reduce traffic accidents as much as possible across Myanmar. Teacher training already held in high scool in Hlaing Thar Yar School, Mingalardon Township, and Insein Township. For the second Presenter, Dr. Marla Petal delivered about Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Action-Oriented Key Messages for Households and Schools. Dr Marla emphasized the PAPE is really neededed for public awareness and safety campaigns, any and all social & behavioral change and information and education materials, content for formal and informal education for risk reduction, and designing and monitoring for behavior change. For this study, she already reviewed for 300 documents in the website, Interviews with +50 worldwide staff and volunteers from National Societies, IFRC regional offices and reference centers to collect learnings, etc. this pape adapted and adopted in Bhutan, China, Fiji, Lao PDR, Philippines, Solomon Island, Thiland, Vaniatu.

The third Presenter, we have Ms Lingling who delivered about “Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction”, Ms. Lingling emphasized about the Key principles from inclusive disaster risk reduction policies (CBM) that consist of Participation, Twin-track approach, Comprehensive accessibility and universal design accessible for all, Build back better, Non-discrimination and removing exclusion factors, Coordination and collaboration. She conducted the inclusive activities in Philippines with Participatory Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (PHVCA) for the inclusive, Inclusive Evacuation Management and Operations Drills with participation of vulnerable sectors and partners as observers, and Mainstreaming Gender, Disability Inclusion, Culture Sensitivity in DRM planning and investment programming. Ms Lingling highlited about the Recognition of the representation of vulnerable sectors in the MDRRMC and BDRRMC, Issues and concerns of the vulnerable sectors are heard and given priority in addressing them, Review and updating of the communities’ contingency plans and DRRM plans with the participation of the vulnerable sectors and need to allocation the budget for ICBDRRM activities – risk assessment, drills, capacity building for Brgy. ERT.

And the last Presenter, Prof Aiko from Toyo Eiwa University delivered about the Multi-Stakeholder Coordination in Implementing School Safety Best Practice in Japan, she emphasized about the how to strengthening multistakeholder coordination : Community knows the best about the past disaster experiences, changes of land use as well las local disaster risk, meanwhile teachers are transferred to other schools regularly, and scale up the best the case of Ishinomaki City: public schools set up a liaison committee on DRR to strengthen collaboration with the community, the local government office and others, School-community collaboration also helps to smoothly operate school evacuation shelter at a time of disaster. At the end she mentioned the way for sustainable and effective implementation of school safety are Supporting capacity of school and educational authorities : Making the community involved in the school disaster efforts, Prioritizing minimum essentials among full package of school safety activities, Making general disaster preparedness efforts fitting to local disaster risk, and Partnering with local academia and/or experts to make the local disaster preparedness efforts science-based.

For the materials, can be downloaded here : bit.ly/pdf_thirdwebinar.

For the fourth Webinar will be held in November 11th, 2019 with theme “Digital Platform and Innovation for learning and sharing in school safety”. We will discuss about the E-learning platform in school safety.