COVID-19 Response: Creating an Advanced Transformation of Civil Society Environment for Resilience Building in Multi-hazard Settings

January 6, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread massively across the globe, posing primary impacts on the health sector and secondary effects on economic, environmental and social aspects. Plan International-led multi-risk project namely, ‘Creating an Advanced Transformation of Civil Society Environment for Resilient Building in Multi-hazard Settings’ funded by Sida through Plan International Sweden (SNO) initiated outbreak mitigation efforts for girls, boys and communities in Timor Leste and Myanmar. This is implemented under the framework agreement with Sida’s unit for support through civil society (Sida Civsam).

The project produces an infographic that highlights multi-risk prevention amidst the emergency response to COVID-19: raising awareness of the pandemic, personal protective measures and stress mitigation among girls, boys, youth and communities. The response activities managed to upscale prevention measures to contain the spread of the disease. It strengthens the health systems and decreases social impacts among the most vulnerable groups, particularly women and girls.

Further read on this link 

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