GADRRRES CSSF Revision Roadmap

December 15, 2020

GADRRRES is currently undertaking a process to revise the Global CSSF. The goals of this revision are to strengthen the Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF) and its supporting documents, based on emerging lessons learned globally. The revision will especially focus on four areas:
● Risk-informed education sector development (bridging the development & humanitarian nexus)
● Climate change action and environmental sustainability
● Educational continuity planning (esp. in relation to pandemic disruption)
● Violence and conflict-prevention

The revised framework, targets and indicators, and policy survey will have greater relevance to global partners and change agents supporting children’s rights to safety, protection, education and development and school safety. It will incorporate and make clear the linkages not only to sustainable development goals and disaster risk reduction, but also to climate resilience, environment sustainability and green schools, protecting children from the impacts of conflict and
violence, resilient and sustainable water and sanitation systems, and school health and nutrition and road safety. It will continue to incorporate a gender and inclusive lens to identify and address inequities and barriers to the achievement of CSS. The revision process will build broader recognition, consensus, and ownership for the CSSF, and create a broader umbrella for all of our work in school safety. This process is consistent with the collective impact (See Addendum Note #1) goal of establishing a common agenda and shared system of measurement as a
foundation to increase the enduring impact and effectiveness of mutually reinforcing activities across both development and humanitarian sectors. It will also provide a foundation for proposing an International Decade for School Safety and Education in Emergencies.
1. Generate engagement of GADRRRES partners and other key stakeholder organisations in
reviewing and contributing to the CSSF revision, and making linkages with existing global
collaborative work and resources for collective impact;

2. Update the CSS Framework to address emerging priorities based on lessons learned to ensure the broader relevance and utility of the CSS for government and development partners in risk reduction, preparedness planning and responses in the face of different hazards;

3. Update the CSS Targets & Indicators (2014) to complement the CSSF revisions;

4. Update the CSS Policy Survey (2016) to complement the CSS Targets and Indicators revisions;

5. Update identification of relevant key research and evidence and implementation tools.

Further read, please refer to this document. 

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