
The main purposes of GADRRRES are to strengthen global coordination, increase knowledge, and advocate on risk reduction education and safety in the education sector. The work of the Global Alliance ultimately contributes to a global culture of safety and resilience through education and knowledge.

The resilience library (www.rcrc-resilience-southeastasia.org) is a knowledge management platform (“Platform”) that supports the Southeast Asian National Societies in promoting integrated approach, in all their activities, in order to strengthen community safety and resilience through regional learning, sharing and collaboration.
The APCSS aim to create a space at the regional level for discussion and sharing of technical resources, good practices/lesson learns and model policies on Safe Schools to minimize the impacts of disasters to children’s education and to coordinate and promote advocacy for Comprehensive School Safety.
The ASEAN Secretariat was set up in February 1976 by the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN. It was then housed at the Department of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta. The existing ASEAN Secretariat at 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta was established and officiated in 1981 by the then President of Indonesia, H.E. Soeharto. At the ASEAN Secretariat, the Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Division and the Education, Youth and Sports Division have been two divisions that work with two sectors: the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management and the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Education (SOM-ED) for the ASSI.
The Safe Children, Safe Schools Community brings together a large network of researchers, practitioners (NGOs) and policy makers who are committed to contributing towards child-centred risk reduction and resilience, and school safety.