Resources and tools: Covid-19 and education continuity

World is facing an unprecedented crisis with COVID-19 outbreak and the measures imposed by countries around the world. UNESCO reports that close to 89% of the world’s student population, around 1.54 billion children and youth, is affected by school closures in 185 countries due to lockdowns and quarantines to contain the spread of COVID-19.[1] It poses challenges on teachers, students, caregivers, and parents to maintain learning continuity in a distance learning. Distance learning renders children and youth to miss out social contacts with their peers and significant adults. Being away from school also means they will lose a safe environment for their development and for underprivileged children, an interruption to provision of healthy and nutritious meals. Given a poor electricity and internet connectivity, underprivileged children will have difficulty in accessing education.[2]

Being out of school also entails a rise in dropout rates as it is difficult to ensure all students return to schools when schools reopen. This is evident for groups that are already vulnerable such as: adolescent girls that oftentimes experience greatest risk and impacts when their education is interrupted, including violence, abuse, exploitation and neglects.[3] For girls living in a refugee camps or who are internally displaced, school closures will be most devastating. Refugee girls at secondary level are only half as likely to enroll as their male peers.

In recent weeks, agencies released publication/framework/guideline related to education continuity in times of corona virus and here are some resources accessible online:

Guidance for Covid-19 Prevention and Control in Schools







COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement







Compendium of WASH in Schools Facilities in Emergencies:






How to talk to your children about coronavirus (Covid-19):











Covid-19 school closure hits girls hardest:




Further resources related to COVID-19 can be accessed through:

Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergency

Global Education Cluster



