The rollout manual primarily aims to assist country focal agencies on school safety (e.g. Ministry of Education and National Disaster Management Office) in translating the conceptual framework into implementable actions through detailed steps to generate the outputs, key actors, and timelines, as well as elaboration on working mechanisms at national and regional level for school safety.
The manual shall be used as a reference for education authorities, government agencies, local authorities with mandates relevant to education and DRR, and who are tasked with planning, implementing, and monitoring school safety-related activities.
The manual also aims to bring all concerned agencies and stakeholders to a uniform understanding of the framework operationalisation, which highlights inter-linked processes within the 15-year timeframe, coinciding with the completion of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).
With this overall sketch for operationalisation, concerned agencies, potential partners and stakeholders at national, regional and global level shall be in a better position to determine their roles in supporting, facilitating, or coordinating with various activities during operationalisation.
The operationalisation of the ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety entails 4 key activities done in a cyclical process:
- Activity 1 – Assessing current status, gaps and needs
- Activity 2 – Setting country priorities and targets
- Activity 3 – Developing Country Action Plan on school safety
- Activity 4 – Developing and undertaking progress monitoring and impact evaluation (the results of which will be fed into Activity 1 of the next operationalisation phase/period)
download: Rollout manual for operationalisation of ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety